About Me

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Missouri, United States
A 30 year old wife and mother. I work in table games at a local casino. I read, stitch, and play games on my computer. And I seem to be totally in love with owls for some reason. ;)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bookworm Award

I saw this on Lelia's blog and since she offered it to everyone, I felt I had to grab it. I mean, come on, BW stands for Book Worm! Have you seen my tattoo??

The rules for this Bookworm Award award are: Open the book closest to you, not your favorite or most intellectual book, but the book closest to you at the moment, and turn to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence, as well as two to five sentences following that. And pass the award on to five blogging friends.

And so, the book closest to me at this time is Hot Blood anthology. Hubby bought it for me and I haven't picked it up to read yet.

"Had never been to Louisiana, even. Of that he was glad; the wet August heat down here was enough to roast toadfrogs. But he liked the French Quarter all right, with its racy nightclubs and strippers who watched themselves in full-length mirrors. A man could get in trouble down here, if he had the right equipment. If he had the devil-may-care attitude. If he dared."


Lelia said...

Kewl!!!!! I like your tat. Glad you picked up the award & shared. It will be great to see what other bloggers have nearest to them.